We are always looking to hire for new agents. As an agent you will receive free training, email, website and more!
World Travel
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Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP)
At World Travel Specialists we value the experiences that military spouses can bring to our company. With our company you will be able to enjoy portable employment no matter where you will be stationed and not have to worry about losing your job, retraining, or finding another position to bring extra income to your military household.

We are proud to assist our service members and their spouses! As a military spouse we are pleased to let you know that the fee for joining our agency is WAIVED!

​Please click on the links and fill out the paperwork to start your new career as a travel agent with World Travel Specialists.

Once you have filled out the Registration Form we can get started! Congratulations and Welcome!!!

1016 W Founds St
Townsend DE 19734

It's that easy!